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Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
2023-06-15 16:39:25   来源:   评论:0 点击:

1 What is ASI?The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a global, multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit standards d
1. What is ASI?
The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a global, multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit standards development and certification organisation. Its vision is to maximise aluminium's contribution to a sustainable society. Our mission is to identify and collaborate to promote the responsible production, responsible sourcing and corporate governance of aluminum.
ASI certification standards were developed through extensive multi-stakeholder consultation and are currently the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standards initiative in the aluminium value chain. ASI provides audits of two voluntary standards: ASI Performance Standards and ASI Chain of Custody Standards.
1. ASI Performance Standard (PS)
Environmental, social and governance principles and standards are defined to address sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain. Members of ASI in the two membership categories "Aluminum Production and Conversion Processing" and "Industrial Users" must have at least one facility certified to a performance standard within two years of the launch of the ASI certification program or within two years of joining ASI.
2. ASI Chain of Custody Standard (COC)
It complements the ASI performance standards and is voluntary for ASI members. The CoC standard specifies the requirements for setting a chain of custody for the flow of CoC materials, including ASI aluminum products produced through the value chain and processed for use in different downstream areas. Some aspects of ASI performance standards can be cross-referenced with chain-of-custody standards, mainly in areas such as responsible procurement approach, anti-corruption, human rights due diligence, and conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
By implementing ASI's CoC standards, a link is established between the supply chain under ASI performance standards and the products produced by ASI entities.
Ii. Scope of application of ASI
ASI's standards are applied globally and cover all stages of the aluminium value chain: primary aluminium production (including bauxite mining, alumina refining and aluminium smelting), semi-finished and material conversion processes, recycling and use in the final product.
Iii. Objectives of ASI
· Develop applicable sustainability performance standards and material chain of custody standards for the aluminum value chain.
Throughout the production, use and recycling of aluminium, it drives continuous improvement in important environmental, social and governance aspects.
· Develop a reliable assurance and certification system to reduce the risk of non-compliance with ASI standards and minimize obstacles to the widespread implementation of ASI standards.
To be a globally valued organization that advances sustainable solutions for the aluminum value chain.
The further overall objective of ASI is to increase the supply and demand for ASI aluminium through the global value chain, thereby providing independent assurance for the responsible production, responsible sourcing and management of aluminium.
The latest version of ASI standard now used and the main changes of the new version
On May 19, 2022, ASI released version V3 of the Performance Table Standard (ASI-PS). Compared with the V2 version, the V3 version of the standard does not adjust the entire architecture, but the requirements of some provisions are supplemented and refined. Among them, the fifth chapter, "greenhouse gas emissions" has changed relatively large, from the original three clauses, to four clauses. It is necessary to establish a GHG management system with corresponding objectives, procedures, action plans and implementation approaches. The effectiveness of the measures implemented and the achievement of the targets need to be evaluated regularly, and the emission reduction requirements should be gradually achieved through the development of a medium-term plan not exceeding 5 years. These changes show that entities applying for ASI-PS certification need to really step up in terms of GHG emission reduction, through one medium-term plan after another, and really meet the social responsibility of GHG emission reduction.
5. Benefits of ASI certification
(1) Strengthen internal management system and improve corporate governance;
(2) Meet customer expectations for good practices and build good customer relationships;
(3) Improve supply chain transparency and manage supply chain risks;
(4) Establish partnerships with stakeholders to share best practices;
(5) Enable the company to increase economic earnings in the short and long term and improve the value of the company
For more information about ASI certification, please contact us:
Business Manager: Miss Peng 13535100203


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