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EICC introduction(Time:2010-03-23 17:27:00)


The EICC Code of Conduct was established to ensure worker safety and fairness, environmental responsibility, and business efficiency.

The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition was established in 2004 to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics, and information and communications technology (ICT) industry. EICC now includes more than 40 global ICT companies and their suppliers. 
EICC is governed by a Board of Directors, and relies on the input of its members to develop programs and tools. EICC members are dedicated to adoption of the EICC Code of Conduct, and to its expanded use among providers in their global supply chains. Together, EICC members are working to improve environmental and worker conditions.

EICC members participate on Work Groups to develop the association’s programs and tools. EICC members are committed to collaboration, and a common approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices as they relate to the global ICT supply chain. EICC is also committed to collaboration with stakeholders to improve environmental and work conditions in the ICT industry. EICC hosts stakeholder events and solicits input from stakeholders for continuous improvement of the Code of Conduct.